Man Tin Cheung Park Development Project

Integration of Traditional Culture and Technology

Interactive Learning and Activities

  • Interactive courses and activities can be arranged based on the needs of schools or visitors:
  • History Sharing
  • Poetry Recitation and Appreciation
  • Calligraphy Appreciation
  • Sketching and Writing
  • Traditional Chinese Ink Painting Appreciation
  • Traditional Craftsmanship
  • Traditional Food Production (e.g., tea cakes, glutinous rice balls, mooncakes, etc.)
  • Historical and Cultural Activities
  • Poon Choi Feast

QR code

Visitors only need to scan with their mobile phones to learn about the park's facilities, the Man family history, and the background of the park's establishment

Augmented Reality

Using augmented reality technology, visitors can take virtual 3D photos with Man Tin Cheung.

ChatGPT Interactive

Try using ChatGPT technology to enable visitors to interact and communicate with a virtual Wen Tianxiang. This will convey the values of integrity and national strength, as well as promote patriotism and the spirit of loving both the nation and Hong Kong.

Song Dynasty History Exhibition Corridor

The plan is to divide the entire staircase into different stages, using display panels, technology, and other formats to serve as a platform for cultural and national security education.

The exhibition corridor will showcase major historical events from the Song Dynasty, spanning from Emperor Taizu to Emperor Huizong. By exploring the rise and fall of the Song Dynasty, visitors can gain insights into the importance of national prosperity for societal stability and appreciate the significance of traditional Chinese virtues.

Understanding Walled Village Culture and Its Contribution to Hong Kong's Development

  • Understanding Traditional Chinese Architectural Features
  • Understand the early convergence of Chinese and Western cultures in Hong Kong and its impact on architectural methods, structures, and designs.
  • Understanding the Qing Dynasty’s Imperial Examination System and the Man Family History






July 30, 2023