Smart Coastal Conservation Cente

Pearl Aquaculture and Seawater Improvement Project

As filter-feeding organisms, pearl oysters can help balance the number of microorganisms in the water

Fungal Cultivation Project

Fungi secrete enzymes that can effectively decompose organic waste, such as dead plants and animals, accelerating the natural decay process. This enhances the efficiency of nutrient cycling in the environment, ensuring the availability of essential elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the soil. As a result, local soil quality is improved, and crop yields are increased.

Renewable Energy

Following the model of KIWI Infinity ECO Park, it is recommended to install solar, wind, and tidal energy equipment for power generation in the future to achieve sustainable development


Through the planning and management of forested areas, agroforestry utilizes the interactions between specific plants to increase productivity and reduce pollution.


San Tin, Yuen Long





July 30, 2023